In my last update I told you about a few coming events.
Since then:
Lior walked all the 20 miles in the Walk for Hunger in Boston and raised money for this worthy cause.
My dear sister Iris came from England to see me. I wish we had these reunions more often. Iris went on a few missions: get our home better organized by throwing away a lot of stuff and getting me on a healthy and fattening diet.
Tod, a friend of the Zahala elementary school, came to see me on his way between the US and Europe. Together with Iris we had a lovely sightseeing day in Boston.
Spring time in Boston is amazing (I also mentioned it last time because it is really amazing). Every year I look at the explosion of nature as if I am new to this area.
Lucky for me, I have no allergies, so I can enjoy the amazing color show without worries. Some of my local friends tell me that I'll become a true American when I'll have at least one allergy.
I write this update as I get my weekly treatment at Dana Farber.
If you see something funny in my writing, at least I have a good excuse - under the influence of experimental drugs!
It is amazing how I got used to the drill in the past 7 months: get up early, grab something to eat, drive to Boston, get the treatment, drive back home.
During the chemotherapy sessions I sit on the bed with the laptop open, the Blackberry is there too, a few scattered notes and before you know it, the 5 hours are gone.
Lucky for me, I have no allergies, so I can enjoy the amazing color show without worries. Some of my local friends tell me that I'll become a true American when I'll have at least one allergy.
I write this update as I get my weekly treatment at Dana Farber.
If you see something funny in my writing, at least I have a good excuse - under the influence of experimental drugs!
It is amazing how I got used to the drill in the past 7 months: get up early, grab something to eat, drive to Boston, get the treatment, drive back home.
During the chemotherapy sessions I sit on the bed with the laptop open, the Blackberry is there too, a few scattered notes and before you know it, the 5 hours are gone.
Belive me - it is better to be busy than look around.
Thanks to my friend Danny Kitri in Israel, I have a CD with many marches: American, British and Russian. As I drive to and from Boston for the treatment, I listen these marches which get me in the right fighting mood (including "In The Mood, by Glenn Miller).
I also found a way to get rid off some side effects right after every treatment - a little exercise in the form of walking around the block. Today Lior took me to a wonderful walk 10 min. from our home - in the woods nearby there is a boardwalk around a pond.
The title of this update is Thank You !!!
Thanks to my friend Danny Kitri in Israel, I have a CD with many marches: American, British and Russian. As I drive to and from Boston for the treatment, I listen these marches which get me in the right fighting mood (including "In The Mood, by Glenn Miller).
I also found a way to get rid off some side effects right after every treatment - a little exercise in the form of walking around the block. Today Lior took me to a wonderful walk 10 min. from our home - in the woods nearby there is a boardwalk around a pond.
The title of this update is Thank You !!!
In my last update I told you about the MMRF walk/run event on May 10th, in which Orbotech was one of the sponsors in my honor.
I am happy to report that the event was a success. There were hundreds of walkers and runners. I have attached a few pictures to share with you.
I am happy to report that the event was a success. There were hundreds of walkers and runners. I have attached a few pictures to share with you.
Many of you came on a very cold Saturday morning to the walk. You and others who could not come donated with an open heart.
I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your kind support for me through this event.
I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your kind support for me through this event.
Thank you to Nancy and others that helped her in this event and to Orbotech Inc. management for their support and encouragement.
It means a lot to me and it gave me a strong back wind in my drive to win this battle and soon.
I owe Nancy from Orbotech Inc. a big and a special thank you for her initiative and taking care of everything - hours of preparations in the weeks before the event and during the event day.
A few weeks ago Nancy came to me with a proposal that Orbotech will sponsor the MMRF walk/run event in my honor. Initially I was reluctant for reasons that I can't even explain to myself. Maybe it's because I am not used to being the center of an event. Gracefully Nancy persisted and I gave the OK. From that point on, things started to roll in an amazing way. Nancy has sent emails to the all the Orbotech employees plus a few reminders, instructions, directions, etc. encouraging them to participate. I sent emails to my many friends and relatives around the world and even to some key customers and suppliers.
The response has been most overwhelming in terms of donations and encouragements. We had to raise the bar twice and at the end the total is over $26,000.
It means a lot to me and it gave me a strong back wind in my drive to win this battle and soon.
I owe Nancy from Orbotech Inc. a big and a special thank you for her initiative and taking care of everything - hours of preparations in the weeks before the event and during the event day.
A few weeks ago Nancy came to me with a proposal that Orbotech will sponsor the MMRF walk/run event in my honor. Initially I was reluctant for reasons that I can't even explain to myself. Maybe it's because I am not used to being the center of an event. Gracefully Nancy persisted and I gave the OK. From that point on, things started to roll in an amazing way. Nancy has sent emails to the all the Orbotech employees plus a few reminders, instructions, directions, etc. encouraging them to participate. I sent emails to my many friends and relatives around the world and even to some key customers and suppliers.
The response has been most overwhelming in terms of donations and encouragements. We had to raise the bar twice and at the end the total is over $26,000.
The donation page will remain open for a year. Late comers who still wish to donate can do it any time. Looking at similar sites, some use it to donate on behalf of family members for birthdays or for any other occasion, etc.
I got emails from friends and ex-colleagues that I haven't heard from in years, all of which made me very happy. I found it very rewarding to be able to renew old contacts from my distant past: elementary school, Naval Academy and the Ship I was on, friends and acquaintances from the 5 different countries I lived in, customers an suppliers in North America that I work with and work colleagues throughout the years (Orbotech and ex-Orbotech).
As an example of dedication: my friend Eyal from Baltimore, jumped on a plane at 6 am to be with me on that day, and at the end of the event jumped on the return plane to go home.
The Orbotech team (in this case all of you and me) got the #1 award for this event. Strangely enough, when Nancy and I went to receive the award at the conclusion of the event, the person who gave it to us was no other than Dr. Paul Richarson, the clinical research director of the Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center at Dana Farber! He is signed on my clinical trial!
For all of this, a big THANK YOU one more time from the bottom of my heart.
On the medical front, the drill is simple: every cycle is 5 weeks with a weekly treatment every Tuesday. Every end of a cycle progress is measured. At the end of every 2 cycles, a decision is taken: continue or change. So my life has turned into time intervals of my lucky number 5 !
I got emails from friends and ex-colleagues that I haven't heard from in years, all of which made me very happy. I found it very rewarding to be able to renew old contacts from my distant past: elementary school, Naval Academy and the Ship I was on, friends and acquaintances from the 5 different countries I lived in, customers an suppliers in North America that I work with and work colleagues throughout the years (Orbotech and ex-Orbotech).
As an example of dedication: my friend Eyal from Baltimore, jumped on a plane at 6 am to be with me on that day, and at the end of the event jumped on the return plane to go home.
The Orbotech team (in this case all of you and me) got the #1 award for this event. Strangely enough, when Nancy and I went to receive the award at the conclusion of the event, the person who gave it to us was no other than Dr. Paul Richarson, the clinical research director of the Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center at Dana Farber! He is signed on my clinical trial!
For all of this, a big THANK YOU one more time from the bottom of my heart.
On the medical front, the drill is simple: every cycle is 5 weeks with a weekly treatment every Tuesday. Every end of a cycle progress is measured. At the end of every 2 cycles, a decision is taken: continue or change. So my life has turned into time intervals of my lucky number 5 !
Written a day later:
I just got the news that the test results are good: there is good progress! The numbers are just as the doctors want to see them: not going down to fast or too slow. I had a bet with myself what will it be and I was very close.
Yours, always optimistic,